Sunday, September 9, 2007

Display Name

I started writing Greg an e-mail, but then I decided to make a post about it because I think that there might be at least a few other people who are wondering the same thing --

Is our display name supposed to be our name (i.e. Anna), our ULID (i.e. asilber), or our complete ISU e-mail address (i.e.

I'm just noticing that we're not all using the same display name format, and wondering if there's one uniform display name form we're supposed to be using. Any input would be much appreciated! Thanks! :)

1 comment:

Greg said...

Hi everybody,

This was my fault. I think my instructions for getting signed on to the blog (on the syllabus) were a little confusing, so some people ended up using their email address as their display name. If you'd like to change your display name (the name that appears at the end of your posts), it's pretty easy. On the "Dashboard" (the page that loads when you log on to Blogger), click the "Edit Profile" link on the right. Then scroll down to "Identity," look for the "Display name" box, type in what you'd like to change it to, and then click "Save profile" at the bottom of the screen.

Please refrain from using nicknames or from disguising who you are -- that's appropriate when blogging on your own, but not for the purposes of this class.

Hope that helps.